SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and is a popular digital marketing method to improve rankings for a website. However, SEO is relatively new in the UK and is a method that companies are unsure of. 

There are many aspects of SEO which is what makes it so interesting. Furthermore, it is what separates the capabilities of many SEO agencies as they all believe different things. There is no perfect SEO campaign as it varies for each business.

If you are new to SEO and unsure how to put it into best practice then you have come to the right place. It is a complicated marketing method but once you understand the basics, you will soon see improvements. Here are some of the best practices of SEO in 2022 and how you can make them work.

Optimising Content 

Content is massively important for a website. If you want to see your rankings improve then you need relevant content on your website. Additionally, you need to ensure you are providing users with relevant content that is not considered spam. 

The first thing you should look at doing is writing content for your website. It doesn’t need to be too much, just enough to explain your product/service and what is so unique. Once you have written your content, you need to complete keyword research for your different pages. 

A good website will have multiple pages that target a specific subject or category. For example, when you go on an eCommerce website, you’ll notice numerous pages. For example, a mens twin set page will just show twin sets only and nothing else. A t-shirt page will only show t-shirts and so on. The more pages you have for your website, the more keywords you can rank for and the more traffic you can bring to your site. 

Content needs to be factual and informative without being too chunky. Users do not want to read endless information about a product or service. Keep it short and snappy so the user doesn’t have to spend too long looking at the product/service text. Optimising your keyword into this content is essential as that is how you show Google that you are looking to rank for this keyword. 


Link Building

Link building is another method used by SEO agencies and is quite a hot topic within the industry. A lot of people believe that link building is pointless and other people believe that it is essential. 

Link-building works great for high-authority websites. However, for those websites which have lower metrics, they are going to need a lot more than links. Moreover, there are many ways in which you can build links and some are far more important than others. 


Guest Posts/ Blogging

Guest posts, also known as blogs, are a common method for link building. If you are unsure what a blog is, it is where people will submit articles to a website with a link of theirs implemented in the body of the article. A lot of websites will ask for a fee for you to post on their website however, there are some websites out there which allow you to post for free. 

There are thousands of blogging sites out there to submit articles to however, there are very few which allow you to post on their site for free. Article writing is something that not everybody likes and others love. It doesn’t need to be the best article you have ever written. It just needs to be to a standard where people can read it naturally, without looking too spammy. 



Directories are something you may have heard of before and have been around before SEO. If you were born in the 90s or before, you probably remember Yellow Pages. If you are unsure what Yellow Pages is, it is a book that was filled with business listings, containing contact information and a short bit of text about them. 

The majority of business listings will be free and some you will have to pay for. However, there are very few sites which you will need to pay. Creating a business listing not only builds authority to your website but can also bring in traffic to your site. These don’t take long to build and you can do many in a day. If your website offers a service, we would recommend that you take the time to build directories for your site as it can be highly beneficial. 



Infographics are another link-building method you can use to build links to a website. Furthermore, infographics are time-consuming but once you have one created, you can submit it to multiple sites. 

If you are unsure what an infographic is, it is where you design an image which will include a link to your website. However, there are many websites which will say they do not want to use your image but will still use it. This is where you will use an image finder to see if those websites have used it or not. If they have, this is where you contact them to say if they do not include your link then they will be in trouble. 

There are many ways to build links to your website which can improve traffic to your site. They can also increase the domain authority or trust flow of your website which are two metrics to determine how much authority a website has. 



Last but not least is alt-tags. These are short captions which will be put on images you have on your site. We would suggest you use alt tags as this is a good way to include your keywords on a page more. Furthermore, alt-tags will be a lot more relevant for eCommerce websites instead of lead generation sites. ECommerce websites contain less content than lead generation sites, meaning you have to find innovative ways to include your keyword on the site and that is by alt-tags. 

To Conclude

SEO is a great digital marketing method that many businesses try to do to improve the authority of their website. It can also increase the traffic that is landing on your website and can attract sales/ enquiries to the site. 

If you want fast results, SEO is not the marketing method which we would suggest. The reason for this is that it takes time to build authority on a website. If you wish to compete against other websites, you must ensure you build your authority up and to do that is by building links.