There are many misconceptions about hiring remote developers, but they’re just that: misconceptions. Hiring an experienced remote developer to take on a large project doesn’t have to break the bank, lead to “churn and burn,” or result in a subpar outcome. While the media loves to talk about the risks and drawbacks of hiring remote contractors versus full-time employees, there is another side to the story. Considering these other factors, you’ll see that hiring someone who can truly impact your business is the real advantage. Here’s what you need to know about the advantages of hiring a remote developer.


Advantage #1: Fewer distractions

One of the best things about working with a remote developer is that you don’t have to worry about your employee being distracted by other tasks, meetings, or employees. Also, working with a remote developer eliminates the need to travel, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Remote developers can achieve their goals without getting sidetracked by anything outside of their work responsibilities.

Advantage #2: Better morale and satisfaction

If you’re looking for a way to keep your staff happy, hiring a remote developer is one of the best ways. Remote developers can work from home and on their schedules, which means they can work whenever they want—and get paid for it.

This is especially beneficial for people with families or other obligations that might prevent them from working normal hours at an office. It’s also great for people who are introverts who need to recharge during the day by spending time alone and away from others.

The bottom line? Remote developers don’t have to be at your office all day to do their job. This means they’ll be happier and more satisfied with what they do daily!

Advantage #3: Low recruitment/training cost

The biggest advantage of remote developer is that you won’t have to spend as much on recruitment and training. With a remote developer, you’ll be able to save money by hiring someone who already knows how to work in your specific industry and with your specific technology stack.

This means that you can start working with them immediately without spending time searching for someone new and teaching them how things work in your company.

Advantage #4: More productive

When you hire remote developer, your business can save time and money on the cost of office space and overhead. You also get to work with highly skilled people who are not burdened with the usual commute and other overhead that comes with working in an office. Remote developers are also more productive because they don’t have to worry about distractions like meetings or need to be in one place, so they can focus all their attention on getting work done.

Advantage #5: Access to a larger talent pool

Finding a good developer is hard. You have to wade through hundreds of applicants, many of whom don’t have the skills you need or who have the skills but not the experience you need. When you hire a remote developer, you can cast a wider net—you’ll be able to find local or far away people looking for their first job or their tenth. The only thing you need is a good internet connection, which means you can hire people anywhere in the world. You might be able to find a talented developer who lives next door, but you’ll have more options if you’re looking for someone far away.

Advantage #6: Work/life balance

When you hire remote developer, you’ve got the opportunity to put your team in the best position for success.

That means you can take advantage of a work/life balance that’s hard to find in other types of jobs. Your developers will be able to enjoy their lives outside of work—and because they’re not always at their desks, they’ll get more done in less time!

Advantage #7: Lower turnover rates among employees

The benefits of hiring a remote developer are many, but the most important is that you’ll have a much lower employee turnover rate.

That’s because when you hire someone to work remotely, you’re not hiring them to work in your office. You’re hiring them to do their job wherever they want it done—and that means they don’t need to commute (or even leave) your office to do their job. It also means they don’t have to deal with office politics or drama from co-workers. They can focus on their work and not worry about whether or not their boss will be upset about something if they go out for lunch at 11:30 instead of 11:00.

Plus, working from home has reduced stress levels by up to 10%!

Advantage #8: More time for development

Hiring a remote developer is a great way to get more time for development.

Remote developers are typically paid by the hour, not by the task. This means that you don’t have to pay them for blocks of time that they’re not working on your project.

If you’re working with a remote developer, you can pay them based on how much work they get done in the time period instead of how many hours they’ve worked. This gives you more flexibility in managing your budget and meeting deadlines.

Advantage #9: Reduce costs

Hiring a remote developer might be the answer if you’re looking for a way to reduce your real estate costs. Many companies don’t have the space or expertise to house their developers, but some services can connect you with top-of-the-line developers worldwide.

When you hire remote developer, you don’t have to worry about overhead costs like office space or benefits packages. You also don’t have to worry about finding an office for them—they can work from anywhere in the world!

Because of this, hiring remote developers can save your company money on both its operating costs and its real estate costs. It’s also easier to find people willing to work remotely because they don’t need to commute daily or get stuck in traffic on their way home from work.

Advantage #10: No office politics

Another advantage of remote developer is that no office politics is involved in their jobs than local ones who have to deal with office politics on top of everything else in their lives. With remote developers, all you need is an internet connection and some basic equipment, such as a laptop and headphones, so that they can communicate with clients and other team members over Skype or Google Hangouts and get the job done without any distractions or interruptions from others around them who might not be working on the same project as them at that moment in time.

Conclusion: Hiring a remote developer can be extremely beneficial to companies.

Remote work is becoming increasingly popular. The number of people who work remotely has doubled in the past decade. And with technology making it easier than ever before for employees to connect remotely, businesses are taking notice.

So the next time you consider hiring an in-office or hire remote developer, keep these advantages in mind. Outlining and developing them while considering your options will help you make the right choice. That way, you can hire the best person for the job—regardless of whether they’re sitting across from you or working at a distance.